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Singing Ice
This book was made as an archive and workbook for the Singing Ice project that documents songs in Ladakhi and provides a translation and transliteration.
Working in three languages, this book was a collaboration between translators, documentary film makers, and illustrators.
From the project director, Susan Schuppli's website:
This song book emerges out of an encounter with Morup Namgyal in Leh, Ladkah, a well-known folk singer whose music practice has contributed to the revival of Ladakhi and Tibetan cultural traditions. Also known as the “Song Collector” Morup Namgyal has been saving and singing traditinal folk songs that reflect the changing environmental conditions of Himalayan mountains and its peoples. 

After listening to his many stories some of which were accompanied by his plaintive singing, he opened up his archive to us—a handwritten folio of songs now long forgotten that are stored on faded scraps of paper gathered while travelling throughout the region in the 1960s. These songs and their chronicles of environmental change are fated to disappear like the glaciers that Mr. Namgyal sings about in his soulful words of mourning and loss.
Read more about the project here.
21.5 x 14.5 cm | 8.4 x 5.7 in